Ukrainian Prayer for Peace

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE to churches and Christians everywhere … please USE and SHARE this call to prayer this week. “Let’s pray, dear friends. Dear Heavenly father, we ask you for your peace for Ukraine. Without you, we cannot win this war…” As the siege on major cities in Ukraine continues, over 660,000 have evacuated the country, and millions are hunkered …

Urgent Call to Prayer from Ukrainian Pastor

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 In this two-minute video from Ukraine, Rev. Sergey Nakul, a local pastor in Kyiv and Gospel radio broadcaster, urges Christians everywhere to pray. On the morning of the invasion, he awoke at 5:00 a.m. to the sounds of sirens, and bombs exploding in his city. A coordinated global prayer effort for Ukraine is now underway. Churches everywhere are praying …

What if Russia Attacks?

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 No one understands the implications of a Russian invasion better than the people of eastern Ukraine who survived the last incursion in 2014. Over 14,000 people lost their lives in that conflict. Now with troops amassed on the Eastern border of Ukraine, it appears Russia may soon invade Ukraine once again. Global tensions are high. War may be imminent. …

Breaking News out of Kazakhstan!

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Breaking news out of Kazakhstan this week has drawn the world’s attention. What started as massive protests turned violent, resulting in burned out government buildings and a request for Russia to send troops to quell the uprising. Violence has only escalated since then. Because FEBC Kazakhstan has a ministry presence in the largest city, Almaty, we asked our team to …

An International Christmas Carol

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Merry Christmas! Our FEBC broadcasters in Russia, Ukraine, and Central Asia joined together virtually to share a Christmas carol with you using local instruments! Thank you for making this ministry possible. Together, we are reaching the unreached with Gospel of Jesus Christ. Learn more about how you can pray for FEBC and our broadcasters around the world

Providing Hope for Suicidal Teenagers in Russia

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When Russian broadcaster Eugene goes on the air, he uses his background in counseling to comfort and encourage the many young listeners that tune in. Dozens of teens have shared with Eugene that they were persuaded not to take their lives after hearing about the hope of Christ. One nineteen-year-old listener named Andrey said, “My thinking changed dramatically when I …

Atheist Doctors Find Christ Through Covid-19

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A few months ago, FEBC Russia received the following testimony from a Russian doctor sharing how she and her medical team had been listening to Gospel programming in-between calls and shifts. She does not come from a Christian background but is moving closer to Jesus every day. It’s incredible to consider how God is touching the hearts of people in …

The Heart of the Largest Muslim Country

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Stretched across the equator in Southeast Asia, more than 13,000 islands form the country of Indonesia. At low tide, that number jumps to more than 17,000! Half of the population is located on the island of Java, where FEBC Indonesia has been headquartered near the capital city of Jakarta since 1969. What most people don’t realize is that Indonesia is …

Impact Update – June 2021

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“Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear…” (Mark 4:9). Jesus often repeated this phrase at the end of His parables. Not everyone who heard Him understood His teaching—some had no desire to understand—but He invited them all the same. People whose hearts were open to the Good News of the Kingdom learned and listened. Seeds were planted and some …