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Drafted to the Frontlines

Since Russia began its war in Ukraine, several FEBC Ukraine broadcasters have been called up by the Ukrainian military…one of them is Max. Please continue to pray for our Ukrainian broadcasters who are sharing the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ, and thousands are responding. The work is exhausting, and funding to continue and expand is needed …

New Station Launched in Ivano-Frankivsk (Western Ukraine)

As the war in Ukraine continues, many Ukrainian refugees are fleeing to the western part of the country, away from the conflict. That’s why FEBC Ukraine has established a new station in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. Here’s Igor and Inna explaining this exciting new opportunity to reach 750,000 people with the Gospel. Today, FEBC’s Ukrainian broadcasters are sharing the hope …

Ukraine ‘Street Interviews’ 1-Year Anniversary

At the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, FEBC’s broadcasters are asking everyday Ukrainians how the war has affected them. How has the suffering of the past year affected their view of God? Honest responses from Christians and non-Christians underscore the deep spiritual needs of Ukraine during such a time as this. Our Ukrainian broadcasters are …

VIDEO: Ukrainians Coming to Christ in a War Zone

 Sergey Nakul, Pastor and FEBC Ukraine’s Senior Broadcaster, shares stories from Kyiv, and how the promise of Emmanuel is bringing Ukrainians to faith in Jesus. To watch more video highlights from the “LIVE from Ukraine” event, click on the links below: Kyiv Studio Tour (4-minute watch) Newlyweds in a War Zone (4-minute watch) Everyone Has Lost Someone in Ukraine …

VIDEO: Kyiv Studio Tour

 The Kyiv Media Evangelism Center was opened just over a year ago. But when Russian forces started invading Ukraine and bombing the capital earlier this year, many of our staff had to evacuate. Now, many of our broadcasters have returned. In this video, take a tour of our studio and meet the people who work to keep Gospel broadcasts …

VIDEO: Inna’s Ministry to Women During the War

 When bombs started falling on their cities, many Ukrainian women searched everywhere for peace as their lives were torn apart. Through social media, young women started asking if Inna (FEBC broadcaster) would pray with them. Now, Inna prays with thousands of listeners every day. To watch more video highlights from the “LIVE from Ukraine” event, click on the links below: Ukrainians Coming to Christ …

VIDEO: Newlyweds in a War Zone

 Dima and Darina are newlyweds, who just welcomed their first child. When war came to their doorstep, many of their neighbors and family members left. But Dima and Darina felt God telling them to stay. To watch more video highlights from the “LIVE from Ukraine” event, click on the links below: Ukrainians Coming to Christ in a War Zone (3-minute watch) Kyiv …

VIDEO: Everyone Has Lost Someone in Ukraine

 Everyone in Ukraine has lost someone due to the war. This video shares how broadcasters are dealing with tragedies themselves, as well as wrestling with how to bring the hope of the Gospel to Ukrainians who have also lost loved ones. To watch more video highlights from the “LIVE from Ukraine” event, click on the links below: Ukrainians Coming …