Serving Through the Bars

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Matthew 25:36 says, “I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you visited me. I was in prison, and you came to me.” This verse was a catalyst for our FEBC Indonesia team. After reflecting on this verse, our FEBC Indonesia team began regularly traveling to Tangerang Class 1 Detention Center, right outside the capital city of …

Remembering Sammy T. (Ep. 54)

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Our former Indonesia Director, Sammy T. went home to be with the Lord after his struggle with COVID, but his influence is still heard in Indonesia. In this edition Ed will talk about his friend as we feature recordings of Sammy talking about ministry and his calling to serve Christ. We’re certain after hearing about Sammy’s legacy you will be …

Parking-Lot Preaching in Indonesia

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In Indonesia, an extraordinarily creative way to meet with other believers for church services is occurring in a very unlikely place—a parking lot! In cooperation with local churches, FEBC Indonesia has harnessed the broadcasting power of its radio network to organize weekly drive-in church services. Families are now coming together to worship, listen to a live message on the radio, …

The Heart of the Largest Muslim Country

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Stretched across the equator in Southeast Asia, more than 13,000 islands form the country of Indonesia. At low tide, that number jumps to more than 17,000! Half of the population is located on the island of Java, where FEBC Indonesia has been headquartered near the capital city of Jakarta since 1969. What most people don’t realize is that Indonesia is …

Rica Rahim’s Testimony

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In Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim country, Rica Rahim’s Christian friend stood out. He had “a life of peace” and was so happy—so at ease. Rica wanted to know why. Maybe it could help temper the anxiety and fear she felt stirring in herself… Rica’s story of finding Christ shows just how powerful one Christian witness can be, even in …

FEBC Distributes 108 Radios in Indonesia

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Last month, FEBC’s president, Ed Cannon, alongside FEBC’s team in Indonesia and Kevin Keegan, director of FEBC Australia, had the opportunity to distribute 108 radios to local listeners in the cities of Karawaci and Jakarta. “My favorite activity is when we get to meet face to face with listeners—the people who hear God’s Word through our broadcasts, the people whose …