Latest Prayer Target

May 13th

Reaching the unreached continues to be our top priority. Please pray for FEBC to find ethnic broadcasters who are mature in their faith and skilled to produce programs.


I am so grateful for your ministry partnership and your commitment to prayer. You are helping FEBC broadcast the Gospel in 50 countries, 152 languages, to a potential listening audience of 4 billion people daily. I want to encourage you today with these answers to prayer from listeners around the world.

Edward W. Cannon
President and CEO

Listener Feedback

“I am 19 years old and am grateful for your broadcasts in the Hmong language. I accepted Jesus as my personal savior through your teaching about God’s love. I want you to pray for me to serve God in my area.”

— Listener in Vietnam

“Your program had very interesting songs in my native style. They were all about God and faith and worship. I had never heard this before in my mother tongue. I want to tell you that hearing about Jesus in my language was awesome! He is now my Jesus and I walk with Him every day! Thank you.”

— Listener in Southeast Asia