Your Questions Answered by Ed Cannon

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Recently, FEBC recorded a livestream virtual event – Reaching the Unreached 2021. During the event we took a few minutes to answer questions submitted by a variety of friends and supporters of FEBC. They asked questions like: How is FEBC able to put Gospel content on the internet in places where Christianity is prohibited? What’s the status of the new …

The State of the Gospel in Japan

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As one of the most developed nations in the world, Japan is surprisingly unreached with the Gospel. Only 0.8% of the population are professing an evangelical Christian faith. This tiny number is declining as fewer young people are coming to faith in Christ. With every passing year, the average age of Christian believers is creeping higher. If this trend continues, …

The Teaching that Doesn’t Lead to Death

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Mu-Ling was desperately seeking for truth. Like the rest of the Shan people—an ethnic group in northern Thailand and Myanmar—he was Buddhist and his home was filled with idols. Yet he knew there had to be more. In his own words, he was seeking “the teaching that doesn’t lead to death.” These are people who may live their entire lives …

Reaching the Unreached

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There are certain places in the world—even entire countries—with so few Christians that they have a special status: Unreached. These are people who may live their entire lives never meeting a single Christian … right now, there are 3.2 billion of them. How are they going to hear what Jesus has done for them? Who is going to reach them? Your gift …

75 Years of History

FEBCFeatured Video, FEBC Blog 22 Comments

 This year FEBC is celebrating 75 years of boldly proclaiming the Gospel through radio broadcasting, the Internet, and cell phone apps! We rejoice in the Lord’s faithfulness, which has been abundantly evident throughout the years of sharing Jesus Christ to the nations. Today, 4 billion people are within reach of our broadcasts every day and growing because of your partnership! We invite you to watch this video that shows …

FEBC and Covid-19

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How FEBC Is Responding While our staff are taking the necessary precautions as dictated by their local governments, our work does not stop. Special programs responding to the pandemic are already being aired, offering encouragement and the hope of the Gospel. With people around the world under quarantine, isolated, and desperately searching for hope, FEBC is uniquely positioned to reach …

Tan's Story

Tan’s Story

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   “We were in a country in Southeast Asia. After we had driven way out into the countryside, the road ended. We took motorcycles on tiny little dirt paths, through very marshy, swampy land. And then we came to a cashew farm. The people were so very remote…and there was no church. We met a family there, and the …