Our Leadership

Ed Cannon, FEBC USA President & CEO
“I’m passionate about the Great Commission — to reach those who have never heard the Gospel before. That’s why I’m so excited to be a part of FEBC which has made, and is making, such a powerful impact on the world for Christ. We have the potential of reaching nearly 4 billion people every day, a little over half of the world’s population, with the Good News!”
Ed Cannon became the President and CEO of Far East Broadcasting Company in 2012. Prior to joining FEBC, Ed spent 9 years at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer as well as over 25 years within the oil industry, including progressive leadership positions with British Petroleum, Amoco and Standard Oil Company.
“I’m driven to verses like Mark 8:34, If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me, Ed says. “In particular I dwell on the phrase ‘you must deny yourself.’ Many of us have taken this radical challenge so lightly. The more I grow in my faith, the more I ask myself “what am I willing to give up for Him?”
“It is a hard question in the context of looking at what we have compared to what others need. It is not a comfortable challenge,” Ed continues, “but out of our love for the Savior, we should strive to do better, to do more.”
Currently Ed serves on the Board of Directors for the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), Hands of Hope (an African Evangelical Relief Organization) and Revive Our Hearts.
Ed received both a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and an M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Illinois. In 2001, he received an Executive MBA Certificate in Global Business and Finance from a prestigious collaborative program offered through Harvard and Stanford Universities.
Ed and his wife, Mary Jean, have two grown sons.
Leadership Around the World
FEBC leaders are men and women who seek to be more like our Savior, Jesus Christ, in who they are and in all they do. In the office, on the mission field, or in the board room, these dedicated servants are passionate about fulfilling Jesus’ mandate in Matthew 28:19-20:
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
With more than 2.7 billion people that have yet to hear the Good News, FEBC’s leadership team works diligently to mobilize 1,000+ workers that serve all around the world.
From the beginning, the hallmark of FEBC has always been to enlist, empower, and release indigenous leadership so that local field offices become autonomous and self-sustaining.
USA Board Members

Laurie Kattner
Owner, Kattner Designs

Wayne Shepherd
Vice Chair
Christian Radio Host & Owner, Wayne Shepherd Communications

Kwoknam (Nam) Shiu
Senior Consultant, Walker Consultants

Alynne Douglass
Assistant Secretary
Founder/CEO, Trendspotters

Rob Keith
Chair, Audit and Finance Committee
Treasurer & President, Hibs Enterprises

Bonnie Ho
Principal, Pui Tak Christian School

John Wauterlek
Partner, Hamilton Partners

Rich Bott
Owner, Bott Radio Network

Roger Kemp
President, RK Media

David G. Bunn
Attorney, Estate Planning and Probate, Bunn & Bunn

Dan Lindquist
First Trust Portfolios
International Leadership

Ed Cannon
United States

Victor Akhterov
Russia & Ukraine

C. A. Benjamin*

Aaron Yu

Luis Miguel V. Castillo

Makara Sam Phal

Yoke P.*

Jurie Vermeulen
South Africa

Seiji Suzuki

Sumet Techarukpong

Ruslan Zhakupov

Raymond Lo
Hong Kong

Saleem Shahzad

Ki-Boong Daniel Han

Yankee T.*

Bat T.*

Rudi Wiens
Central Asia

Amos Siyabu
* We endeavor to be as transparent as possible with you, our partners, while also ensuring we do everything possible to protect the work God is doing through FEBC. Due to the sensitive political and religious climate in many of the countries FEBC staff operate in, not all countries are represented here and some photos of our directors, as well as names, have been omitted for their safety, and the protection of the Gospel work being done in the country.