Seeing and Believing (Ep. 184)

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We all know about “Doubting Thomas”, but in reality, we’ve all have had doubts about our faith. How do we face these doubts in light of the resurrection of Jesus that we just celebrated? Listen in as Ed and Wayne open the word and discuss the way Jesus invites us seek and trust him. Along the way we’ll hear how …

Take Up Your Cross (Ep. 182)

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Followers of Jesus around the world will soon reflect on the events from almost 2000 years ago—Jesus’s death and resurrection. As FEBC broadcasters share the story of Easter, it is important for all of us to understand our role in sharing this message. In this episode Ed and Wayne will take us to several passages that help us grasp the …

Our Suffering Savior (Ep. 28)

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Why is the suffering of Christ so important to remember during Holy Week? What can we learn from believers around the world who experience joy as they face extremely difficult circumstances?  Listen as Ed and Wayne talk about the connection our suffering Savior makes with a world of pain…Until All Have Heard.