Rica Rahim’s Testimony

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In Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim country, Rica Rahim’s Christian friend stood out. He had “a life of peace” and was so happy—so at ease. Rica wanted to know why. Maybe it could help temper the anxiety and fear she felt stirring in herself… Rica’s story of finding Christ shows just how powerful one Christian witness can be, even in …

God at Work in Kyrgyzstan

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 Kyrgyzstan is a relatively small nation nestled on the border of China in the heart of Asia. Less than 1% of this culturally Muslim nation profess Christian faith. With a population of 6.3 million, it is one of the least reached countries in the world. Yet God is at work in Kyrgyzstan in surprising ways. People are hungry for …

Kyrgyzstan: From Chaos to Christ

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Breaking news out of Kyrgyzstan made international headlines earlier this week. On October 6, thousands of anti-government protestors and vigilante groups stormed the main political building in response to what many believe was a rigged election. Hours later the parliament voted to annul the recent election results and installed an interim prime minister until new elections can be held. Many …

75 Years of History

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 This year FEBC is celebrating 75 years of boldly proclaiming the Gospel through radio broadcasting, the Internet, and cell phone apps! We rejoice in the Lord’s faithfulness, which has been abundantly evident throughout the years of sharing Jesus Christ to the nations. Today, 4 billion people are within reach of our broadcasts every day and growing because of your partnership! We invite you to watch this video that shows …

Our Dedicated Staff

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 Our staff are incredible. They are dedicated, passionate, and brave in the face of persecution and challenges. Despite hardships like Covid-19 and more, FEBC staff never waver and rise to the challenge. This video is a thank-you to all who have followed God’s leading to work at FEBC and boldy proclaim the Gospel until all have heard!

FEBC and Covid-19

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How FEBC Is Responding While our staff are taking the necessary precautions as dictated by their local governments, our work does not stop. Special programs responding to the pandemic are already being aired, offering encouragement and the hope of the Gospel. With people around the world under quarantine, isolated, and desperately searching for hope, FEBC is uniquely positioned to reach …

Tan's Story

Tan’s Story

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   “We were in a country in Southeast Asia. After we had driven way out into the countryside, the road ended. We took motorcycles on tiny little dirt paths, through very marshy, swampy land. And then we came to a cashew farm. The people were so very remote…and there was no church. We met a family there, and the …

VIDEO: Lida’s Story

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“My husband cheated on me with my own mother, forcing me to leave my home.” With tears streaming down her face, Lida tells her story with the courage of a woman who has been through it all. Forced to leave her entire life behind, Lida struggled everyday to sell flowers on the street. Drifting from village to village, Lida felt like …