VIDEO: Inna’s Ministry to Women During the War

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 When bombs started falling on their cities, many Ukrainian women searched everywhere for peace as their lives were torn apart. Through social media, young women started asking if Inna (FEBC broadcaster) would pray with them. Now, Inna prays with thousands of listeners every day. To watch more video highlights from the “LIVE from Ukraine” event, click on the links below: Ukrainians Coming to Christ …

VIDEO: Newlyweds in a War Zone

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 Dima and Darina are newlyweds, who just welcomed their first child. When war came to their doorstep, many of their neighbors and family members left. But Dima and Darina felt God telling them to stay. To watch more video highlights from the “LIVE from Ukraine” event, click on the links below: Ukrainians Coming to Christ in a War Zone (3-minute watch) Kyiv …

VIDEO: Everyone Has Lost Someone in Ukraine

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 Everyone in Ukraine has lost someone due to the war. This video shares how broadcasters are dealing with tragedies themselves, as well as wrestling with how to bring the hope of the Gospel to Ukrainians who have also lost loved ones. To watch more video highlights from the “LIVE from Ukraine” event, click on the links below: Ukrainians Coming …

Preview Video: LIVE From Ukraine

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 The brutal onslaught of war continues in Ukraine, and the places where many of our broadcasters live and work are in the dark and without power, including Kyiv. And yet, FEBC is still on the air! We can’t wait to share with you how God has provided for the light of the Gospel to continue beaming into places that are now, …

Ukrainian Prayer for Peace

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE to churches and Christians everywhere … please USE and SHARE this call to prayer this week. “Let’s pray, dear friends. Dear Heavenly father, we ask you for your peace for Ukraine. Without you, we cannot win this war…” As the siege on major cities in Ukraine continues, over 660,000 have evacuated the country, and millions are hunkered …

Urgent Call to Prayer from Ukrainian Pastor

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 In this two-minute video from Ukraine, Rev. Sergey Nakul, a local pastor in Kyiv and Gospel radio broadcaster, urges Christians everywhere to pray. On the morning of the invasion, he awoke at 5:00 a.m. to the sounds of sirens, and bombs exploding in his city. A coordinated global prayer effort for Ukraine is now underway. Churches everywhere are praying …

What if Russia Attacks?

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 No one understands the implications of a Russian invasion better than the people of eastern Ukraine who survived the last incursion in 2014. Over 14,000 people lost their lives in that conflict. Now with troops amassed on the Eastern border of Ukraine, it appears Russia may soon invade Ukraine once again. Global tensions are high. War may be imminent. …

Breaking News out of Kazakhstan!

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Breaking news out of Kazakhstan this week has drawn the world’s attention. What started as massive protests turned violent, resulting in burned out government buildings and a request for Russia to send troops to quell the uprising. Violence has only escalated since then. Because FEBC Kazakhstan has a ministry presence in the largest city, Almaty, we asked our team to …

The Whole Village Came to Faith in Jesus

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The Great Commission is inseparable from the mission of the church. While there are many lost people in every nation, about one-third of the world’s population is considered unreached. This means they have little chance of ever hearing the Gospel in their heart language unless it comes from the outside. Therefore, evangelizing the unreached is mission-critical and needs the focused …