Real Life Radio (Ep. 43)

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What does it take to draw in listeners who are overwhelmed with bad news and spiritual darkness?  We’ll find out as Victor Akhterov, our Ministry Director for Eurasia, stops by the studio. Victor shares how FEBC is reaching out to women in very hard circumstances through the voices and stories of our women broadcasters…Until All Have Heard. You can also …

To Russia With Love

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When COVID-19 struck Russia in 2020, atheism offered no meaningful answers for a people who had lost their sense of personal safety and security amidst the economic and health crises. Searching for answers, large numbers of Russians began tuning their radios to faith-based programs. Many of them contacted FEBC Russia for the first time — a significant increase in call …

Then and Now (Ep. 24)

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What would it take to unlock faith for people in the social media age? Hear from long-time FEBC listeners from Russia and China who were enriched when they discovered new programs on their phones and computers…Until All Have Heard.   Podcast Transcript [Ed]: We’ve heard testimonies, Wayne, from listeners in Ukraine who say “I’m not a Christian. I’m not even …

Christmas in Russia (Ep 13)

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Ed and Wayne welcome Victor Ahkterov, FEBC’s Russian ministry director back to the studio. Victor tells how the Biblical story of Christmas is shared in the unique cultures of Russia and Ukraine. These countries are struggling in the COVID-19 pandemic and Victor shares how celebrating the birth of a savior is so important in this fearful time…Until All Have Heard. …

Update on Russia’s New Anti-Missionary Law


As many of you may know from our last newscast, on July 7th of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law highly controversial legislation aimed at restricting missionary activity and proselytizing. In an update to NRB Today, our FEBC Ukraine and Russia Director, Victor Akhterov reported on the recent wave of inspections occurring throughout Russia, which he said is …