Thailand Listeners Experience Changed Lives

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FEBC’s Thailand team has seen lots of fruit from the Bible Correspondence Course they offer to local listeners. Here are powerful testimonies that FEBC’s Thailand team received from listeners this month. “Before [listening to FEBC’s programs], I was a depressed person,” said Ma, a listener from the Nonthaburi province. “I was in prison and did not have a good support …

FEBC Begins Broadcasts in Moldova

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For years, FEBC’s leaders have been praying for an opportunity to reach Moldova, a former Soviet republic between Russia and Ukraine, with the gospel. Recently, FEBC partnered with local Moldovan Christians and began broadcasts in seven cities for the very first time. The need for the gospel in Moldova is distinct. One horrific reality is that thousands of young girls …

Four Prayer Requests from Listeners in Thailand

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Many people tune into FEBC’s broadcasts in the midst of difficult circumstances. This month, FEBC’s Thailand team shared updates and prayer requests from four listeners who are facing just that. From a son’s drug addiction, to marital conflict, to unemployment and even debt—FEBC wants to make the hope and love of Christ available to everyone, in all circumstances. As you …

Ministry to Yao Muslims Bears Fruit

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Over the past few months, FEBC has been closely documenting the spiritual growth of the Yao Muslim population in Malawi. From new believers being baptized, to listener clubs forming and a new church launching—Malawi has been an exciting place of spiritual growth. Most recently, FEBC’s teams were blessed with the opportunity to visit areas like Mongochi, Balaka, Machinga, Ntcheu and …

Stories of Lives Touched in Cambodia

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FEBC Cambodia recently shared two testimonies from listeners in the Kampong Thom and Takeo provinces. One shares how FEBC Cambodia’s programs changed her family’s life; the other, how FEBC Cambodia’s programs fuel his daily quiet time with the Lord and give him peace. C* is a young woman from the Takeo province. She has listened to Family Rado since she …