To Russia With Love

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When COVID-19 struck Russia in 2020, atheism offered no meaningful answers for a people who had lost their sense of personal safety and security amidst the economic and health crises.

Searching for answers, large numbers of Russians began tuning their radios to faith-based programs. Many of them contacted FEBC Russia for the first time — a significant increase in call volume! They were eager for a friendly voice and wanted to know more about God. As a result, thousands received spiritual counseling. Many turned to God.

A Doctor Finds Hope

An ER doctor in Russia shared how FEBC broadcasts had recently helped her turn to God. It was her only hope during the long months of treating countless COVID-19 patients:

“I can’t tell you how helpful your broadcasts have been for me personally, as well as the ambulance crew. We listen to your programs daily, and every time we are encouraged, blessed and uplifted. None of us were religious before; not actually atheists, but never really paying attention to God. We now know that God cares for us and is a part of our lives. I pray to Jesus every day. And I know those on our medical team are very, very blessed by your programs.”

Bible-based Programming is Transforming Lives

The Russian listening audience is a vast spectrum ranging from the non-believer with casual interest, to spiritual seekers who are moving closer to Jesus, to committed Christian believers who want to grow in God’s Word. To engage listeners wherever they are on their journey, a wide variety of topical and Bible-based programming is needed.

But during the pandemic, the popularity of overt Bible-teaching programs has surged. In these times, millions of listeners are feeling their need for spiritual truth and are realizing the Bible is relevant in ways they never imagined. As people open themselves up to God’s Word, lives are being transformed.

Pastor Andrey, an FEBC broadcaster in Moscow, says, “My program is simple; I share what the Bible says about our lives today and then answer listener questions. It is amazing to see how the Word of God is changing and healing the hearts of listeners. I have seen God save dozens of lives through our broadcasts. Thank you for helping us bring the Living Word to millions.”

2021 Plans to Reach People Up Close and Personal

It is critical in Gospel broadcasting to be “close to the listener,” which is one of FEBC’s core values. Over the coming months, a new series of short multi-media messages will be shared to help non-Christians explore God’s Word and connect them with local churches, where pastors are ready to disciple new believers.

FEBC Russia will be taking this strategy to the next level, as broadcasters take simple mobile studios to city streets, cafes, buses, and people’s homes. This is both unusual and gets people’s attention–especially young people who value authenticity. In this way, God’s Word is reaching people where they live and work.

Younger Generations Are on Brink of Change

Although radio broadcasting remains an integral part of reaching the unreached, the most explosive growth for sharing the Gospel in Russia is happening on social media. Through channels like YouTube and other livestream platforms, young people are tuning in by the hundreds of thousands daily!

We are seeing a new generation of Russians emerging. Today most are under 30, but one day they will be the future leaders of Russia. And they are in critical need of a moral framework and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

None of this work would be possible without the partnership of friends who, with their support and prayers, allow to share the Gospel and give hope to the people of Russia.

As you read this, would you consider signing up to be a part of FEBC’s prayer team? Our once-a-week email will keep you updated with news and critical prayer needs from around the world. In this way, God can use you to help reach the unreached and inspire listeners to follow Jesus Christ!


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