Four Prayer Requests from Listeners in Thailand

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Many people tune into FEBC’s broadcasts in the midst of difficult circumstances. This month, FEBC’s Thailand team shared updates and prayer requests from four listeners who are facing just that. From a son’s drug addiction, to marital conflict, to unemployment and even debt—FEBC wants to make the hope and love of Christ available to everyone, in all circumstances. As you read their stories, join us in praying for their needs.

Mrs. B is a listener from the Kanchanaburi Province.

“I want to ask for some advice as my son is addicted to drugs,” she wrote. “There is a drug trade and a lot of drug addicts in my community. One of them is my own son.

“When my son takes drugs, he becomes unconscious…and even out of [his] mind. Sometimes he scolds [me and my husband] and acts madly. This brings me suffering. I don’t know what to do. I have no one to turn to so I call you to see if you have any solutions.”

Pray that Mrs. B’s son would be freed from his addiction to drugs and that the prolific drugs in their city would diminish. Pray, in the meantime, that our staff can provide comfort and counsel to Mrs. B.

Mrs. K is a listener from the Khonkaen Province.

“I listen to your program every day. When it’s 3 p.m…. I will bring my radio out and get ready to listen to the program with an eager heart.

“There is only one radio at home so I need to fight with my husband to get a chance to listen to your program because my husband also loves to listen to the radio as well. I don’t want to be in this situation of fighting with my husband to get the radio…”

Pray that Mrs. K’s husband would be intrigued by FEBC’s broadcasts and moved to listen to the radio with his wife.

Miss S is a listener from Lopburi Province.

“I have listened to the ‘Heart Friend’ program since I was 12 years old,” she wrote. “Now I am 38. I have financial problems and I’m living with my husband in his relative’s house. We have one daughter. She is 10 years old.

“I have nobody to talk to. Most people I know just scold me and worsen my problems. I am depressed and want to commit suicide. I am also in debt because…I have borrowed some money to invest in my trade. The harvest time will be in 2 months, so I think that I will talk to the loaner and ask to repay the debt by installments.”

Pray that FEBC’s Cambodia team will be able to provide comfort to Miss S and act as the loving community she doesn’t have. Also pray that her harvest will be plentiful and will allow her to repay her debts.

Miss S is a listener from Bangkok.

“I call to tell you good news and thank God for it,” she said. “I have got a job! I found a notice on the sign board of a school announcing that they want an assistant teacher. I applied for the position at once and the director of the school accepted me. I will start my work this coming Monday. Thank God for [my new job] and thanks to your team for your prayer.”

Join us in praising God for Miss S’s new job. Ask the Lord to bless her and guide her as she begins this new journey.

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