Converting from Buddhism (Ep. 192)

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What would it take to convince a committed Buddhist to consider Christianity? While traveling in Korea, Ed and Wayne had an opportunity to hear the life-changing testimony of one of FEBC Korea’s team members. Listen in as Jacob Kim tells how he was a committed Buddhist who became a committed Christian after encountering God.  You’ll gain important insights on the …

Converting from Buddhism (Ep. 148)

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What would it take to convince a committed Buddhist to consider Christianity? While traveling in Korea, Ed and Wayne had an opportunity to hear the life-changing testimony of one of the FEBC Korea team members. Listen in as Jacob Kim tells how he was a committed Buddhist who became a committed Christian after encountering God.  You’ll gain important insights on …

FEBC’s Role During the Pandemic

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Natural disasters…widespread pandemics…wars. Cataclysmic events are shocking and sudden, frightening and life-changing. So, people begin searching…to regain equilibrium…to find hope. For many, this season of soul-searching has led them to seek after God. Every day FEBC faithfully shares God’s message of love and grace with a potential listening audience of 4 billion people. And now, as countries around the world …