The Power of a Radio (Ep. 108)

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In many countries owning a radio is a luxury. Technology we take for granted in the U.S. is out of reach for millions of people living in poverty in other countries. Ed and Wayne discuss FEBC’s “Give A Radio” program, which provides radios in places where the only way to hear the Gospel is over the airwaves. Learn how together …

The Way of Life in Malawi (Ep. 107)

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This podcast starts with a geography quiz: where is the nation of Malawi? By the time this podcast is over you’ll know exactly where this small African nation is, and how the Lord is moving powerfully in this part of the world. Ed is joined by our Malawi director, Amos Siyabu, who is full of radiant joy, despite the very …

The Power of Shortwave Radio in FEBC Africa

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FEBC Malawi has seen many listener clubs forming around the shortwave programs broadcast through the country, as well as in neighboring Tanzania and Mozambique. Amos, director of FEBC Malawi has told us that the Yao Muslims, which are an ethnic group of almost 2 million living across Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique, are responding tremendously to the messages on the radio. …

New Church forms among Yao Muslim Listeners

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FEBC has previously reported on the rapid spread and fruitfulness of listener clubs among Yao Muslim listeners in Southeast Africa. This month, FEBC’s directors in that region shared that yet another one of these listener clubs has officially become a church with over 70 Yao people currently in attendance. “We at FEBC are praising the Lord for the people who …