New Church forms among Yao Muslim Listeners

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FEBC has previously reported on the rapid spread and fruitfulness of listener clubs among Yao Muslim listeners in Southeast Africa. This month, FEBC’s directors in that region shared that yet another one of these listener clubs has officially become a church with over 70 Yao people currently in attendance.

“We at FEBC are praising the Lord for the people who recently gave their lives to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior [in this village] where they elected a new church from a listener club,” he said.

“Many, when they receive a radio, should listen with an open heart,” said village headman and leader of the new church. “The best example of this is what we’ve seen today as we witness the magnificent building [of this church] for the Yao people. Indeed this is the harvesting time among us.”

In addition to praying for this newly formed church, local staff members asked people to be praying for another church that began as a listener club. Recently, a windstorm destroyed their thatched-grass roof. For their safety and comfort, the church is asking for prayers for a new roof.

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