Mission to Save Russia’s Next Generation

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Russia is one of the hardest places in the world to be a teenager. From Moscow, Ellia (FEBC Russia) shares, “It is a norm for the fathers of today’s teens [in Russia] to drink to excess.” As a result of rampant alcoholism by their parents, children are often abused or even abandoned.

Unfortunately, because of what young people face every day, Russia ranks near the top of all countries in teen suicide rates.

With so much despair in their hearts, teenagers in Russia are desperately seeking reasons not to end their lives. For FEBC broadcasters like Igor and Eugene, their daily programs seek to directly address the pain and anguish that Russian and Ukrainian teens are going through.

Igor is reaching young listeners on new digital platforms that teens use. “Whenever I put up a short video telling teens about Jesus and His power to change lives, they respond by the thousands,” says Igor. “Yes, it is important to speak their language and be “cool,” but what they really want to hear is that someone cares about them, that they are not alone, they are not an accident,” shares Igor.

When Russian broadcaster Eugene goes on the air, he uses his background in counseling to comfort and encourage the many young listeners that tune in. Dozens of teens have shared with Eugene that they were persuaded not to take their lives after hearing about the hope of Christ.

One nineteen-year-old listener named Andrey said, “My thinking changed dramatically when I began listening to these [Christian programs]. But the real transformation in my life happened when I came in contact with believers, and eventually joined my church.”

Andrey first listened to several programs online, then was invited to a Christ-centered church in the Siberian city where he lives. “I just got baptized…I’m so thankful for being introduced to my Savior.”

A Country Desperate for the Gospel

Friends, stories like Andrey’s are pouring into FEBC every day. And with the pandemic continuing to surge in Russia, so many people are desperate for peace, hope, and joy. Yet there has also been a surge of people all over Russia who are receptive to the Good News and want to know more about Jesus.

FEBC is currently broadcasting the Gospel message to 11 million engaged Russian-speaking listeners each month. In fact, so many are reaching out that FEBC has added 200 additional hours of programming each month so that more people seeking the truth can find it.

Russia is ripe for the Gospel! Please make a gift now to keep vital broadcasts on the air and minister to each and every soul we possibly can—praying with them and leading them to faith in Jesus Christ.

Your gift will provide the hope of the Gospel to the Russian people while they are open to hearing—many for the first time in their lives. YOU can help make unprecedented opportunities to share the Good News possible!



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