A Joy to Serve (Ep. 41)

FEBCPodcast 3 Comments

“It’s my joy to serve.” Is this your attitude when asked to do a challenging task? Ed and Wayne talk with a FEBC staff member who says and lives out this statement. Find out for yourself as we go deep into the life and work of Jonathan Mortiz…Until All Have Heard.

Comments 3

  1. May God bless and encourage your hearts at FEBC. I was blessed to visit your station back sometime in 1965 to 1968 when I was in the US Air Force. I rejoice in all that God has blessed you in. Stay true to God’s Word, the faith in Christ that stands forever. I enclose a gift. I pray God will multiply for Jesus sake. Phil. 4:4.

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    I would like to work for your organization. I am a recovering stroke victim in America. I am trained as a CPA auditor for 15 years. I would like to relocate in the Philippines and continue the next chapter of my life. Call me to connect

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