A Joy To Serve (Ep 9)

FEBCPodcast 2 Comments

Jonathan Mortiz always says, “It’s my joy to serve.” Originally from the Philippines, Jonathan oversees our broadcast ministry to the remote regions of Thailand. In this episode, Ed and Wayne give you an up-close look at dedicated servants like Jonathan who invest their lives proclaiming the Gospel…Until All Have Heard.


Comments 2

  1. I listen to First Peeson Interview weekly on KHCB out of Houston, Texas, although I live in Fredericksburg, TX. This is my first time to listen to the podcast for FEBC.
    Every testimony/story, whether on First Person or on the podcast, is so inspiring and a motivator in my life to share God’s good news with people around me. Thank you for being encouragers and faithful to His calling.

    1. Post

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