Our Vision for Ukraine

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FEBC began airing programs into Ukraine via shortwave in the late 1940s, but it wasn’t until 2013 that the first local FM station began broadcasting the Gospel. Since then, God has provided six more FM stations, reaching many more with
the Good News!

Yet there is much left to do.

Our vision for 2020 is to reach 2 million Ukrainians with an introductory presentation of the Gospel, followed by more in-depth conversations with 300,000 listeners.

Initially, we’re focusing on three Ukrainian cities: Dnipro, Kharkiv and Kiev (Ukraine’s capital).

We will continue to use online  tools to talk to listeners and build long-term relationships. This has already borne extraordinary fruit, and we trust that many will be impacted, just as this listener was:

“As I listen to you every day, I’m learning about who God is and who I am. How I wish I had learned all of this ten years ago! You’re opening a whole new world to me.”

Thank you for your continuing support of FEBC’s work around the world, including our outreach to the people of Ukraine who need to know that God loves them.

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