April 11th

FEBCPrayer Requests Leave a Comment

The following prayer from a believer in the US captures the concerns of all of us, as we lean on the Lord during the Covid-19 crisis: “Dear Lord, please watch over everyone who is in quarantine, those who are living in fear for their friends, their family, and this fallen world. Watch over the sick, the dying and those waiting to be tested. Bring your light, your love, your peace, your safety, your comfort, and your healing to all those who are brokenhearted and in need. We trust in you alone, Lord, for you are our refuge and strength. We thank you for giving us a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7*) and we know that you will see us all through to the day you return again. Thank you, Lord. Amen.” Please join us by lifting this prayer up to the Lord.

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