October 23rd

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Please pray for our new station, Victory FM in Cuamba, Mozambique. Pray also for our team of new broadcasters as they begin to produce programs and share the message of Jesus with listeners.

October 22nd

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Please pray for the 443 unreached people groups in China. A listener shared: “I started listening to FEBC and now I feel I’m a totally different person. My life has changed!” Pray for more people in China to hear the Good News and embrace the love of Christ, just like this listener.

October 21st

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Thank God for successful partnerships with 200 churches and mission agencies in Thailand. Last Christmas, over 30,000 children received gifts and heard the story of the Gospel together with their families.

October 20th

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Please pray for the unreached people of Chad. As political unrest continues, ask the Lord to anoint the pastors and churches who partner with FEBC as they share the Good News with those who are suffering and afraid.

October 19th

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Praise God! In India there are 283 million people who can hear the Gospel through FEBC radio programs in eight languages. Ask the Lord to provide direction and creative collaboration for our producers and staff to reach even more listeners who speak other languages.

October 18th

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Please pray for the people in Japan. Thousands were devastated by the recent earthquake on the west coast – the most powerful in 12 years. Over 30,000 people were living in shelters and many suffered the loss of loved ones. Pray for these hurting people and that they will find true hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ.

October 17th

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Praise God for the millions of people all over the world who have tuned into FEBC today and heard the Good News. Thank the Lord for the seeds that have been planted, and for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior! May the Gospel continue to be proclaimed… until all have heard.

October 16th

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With religious intolerance on the rise, pray for the people of Pakistan. Please pray for the safety of FEBC’s staff, local ministries, and churches. Ask for God’s protection as believers continue to share the love of Christ with others.

October 15th

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Because of your faithful partnership, FEBC continues to share the Gospel boldly, grow indigenous leaders, and use advancing technology to reach the unreached. Pray for more people to discover the love of Jesus, like this listener in China, who shared: “Your programs allow me to know God and know myself, and urge us to put God’s words into practice. Jesus has become my best friend!”

October 14th

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Praise God! Listeners in Indonesia are sharing that they are learning more about God and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. In this country, many people groups remain unreached—about 63% of the total population. Pray for our broadcasters to be filled with the Holy Spirit and for more lives to be changed by the Gospel.