Advancing Technology

At FEBC, we embrace new technologies that further the Word of God.

The communications revolution opens a world of opportunity for FEBC to share the Word of God. We began with shortwave radio, expanded to AM/FM – the most advanced technologies of their day - to internet streaming, satellite podcasts, and programming for mobile devices…always focusing on what works best in a particular country.

This requires us to think anew and act anew, to keep an eye on what people are using, from tiny cell phone SD cards – known as “Gospel chips’ for their ability to contain Scripture – to Gospel speaker boxes (digital audio players) that relay biblical audio content. The potential is vast. Some 91 percent of mobile users have their phones within arm’s reach 24/7.

By way of example: In China, the nation where FEBC began, there are 1.5 billion cell phones – and some people believe there are upward of 300 million Christians. That number of people is equivalent to nearly the entire population of the United States. Realizing such potential requires imagination, initiative, and outside-the-box thinking for major impact. New technologies will remake modern broadcast ministry – and win new generations for Christ.

Portable. Rechargeable. Renewable. All these qualities make technology a powerful force as we connect God’s people with His Word.