Global Impact Report – 2023

FEBCFEBC Blog 8 Comments

As 2023 comes to a close, we’re encouraged by the many ways we see the Lord moving within the ministry of FEBC. Here are some of the many things accomplished through FEBC last year:


  • 2.9 million traditional responses from listeners (calls, text, letters, emails, visits)
  • 19 million online streaming listeners
  • 556,000+ increase in total podcast audience subscribers 
  • 80,000+ increase in total YouTube subscribers


“The amazing teachings of Jesus Christ in the Bible have touched my heart. I will be sharing these things with my family!” – Listener from Pakistan

“I was in prison because of drugs. I thought it was the end of my life, but I did not realize that in that prison cell, I would encounter God. Every day we would listen to FEBC programs with beautiful music and messages from the Bible. I thank God for using FEBC to help me know what the Bible says!” – Listener in the Philippines

“I am a buddhist. When I was recovering from cancer surgery, I heard the Gospel and I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior from a radio evangelism broadcasting program from FEBC. Thank you so much!” – Listener in Korea

“Your messages give us hope and they’ve led thousands to the Lord. No missionary can reach us in the mountains, but FEBC can!” – Hmong Listener


We launched 3 new stations this year, bringing our total to 17 local FM stations. FEBC Gospel broadcasts are now reaching nearly 65% of the people in Mongolia.


Over 3,800 students are participating in FEBC’s Bible Correspondence Course.


In response to the high number of refugees fleeing to the west, FEBC Ukraine established a new station in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk with the opportunity to reach 750,000 people with the Gospel.


FEBC is the only known Christian AM radio station reaching Japan. Our listeners continue to share they remain connected to Jesus and receive spiritual nourishment every day through FEBC.


Over 3 million people are listening each month online and 4 million are listening each month via mobile app.


11,585 RADIOS & 5,230 GOSPEL SPEAKER BOXES AND SD CARDS! That’s how many listening devices were distributed to unreached people as well as churches eager to hear FEBC broadcasts. Now they can tune in and hear the Word of God.


In addition to our Gospel programs in 35 major languages, FEBC also broadcasts the Good News in 117 ethnic languages. Many millions have discovered God’s love and come to faith through these programs.

Thanks to all those who prayed and supported FEBC’s ministry in 2023. Together, we are committed to sharing Christ…until all have heard!

You can help deliver the Good News to millions of people in 2024 who may have no knowledge of the life-changing power of the Gospel.  


Comments 8

  1. As Christians in America, my wife and I know that we will never visit areas served by FEBC. But as we are called through our faith, we know God wants us to love and spiritually support those living everywhere to become believers and disciples. By supporting FEBC, we are utilizing the organization’s effective broadcasting tools to lead others to Christ. Our hearts are full of joy when reading the program updates to learn just how successful FEBC is in reaching those who might not otherwise hear the Word of God.

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  2. I love what FEBC is doing! This is why I keep trying to tell my Bible study students that it is more blessed to give them receive. I tried to convey to them that we don’t need one more pair of shoes or another manicure… We need to give to ministries like this, and lay up our treasures in heaven.

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  3. Thank you for your faithfulness to the work Christ has commissioned you to do. May you remain steadfast and faithful this coming year and be blessed with greater and greater opportunities to bless those who cannot hear the Gospel without you.

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  4. Thank God for FEBC evangelism and the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing people to Christ.
    Does FEBC teach into India? I learned that there are many areas there that have not heard about the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
    Thank you for your commitment to spreading the gospel until all have heard.

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