Reaching Remote Hmong Villages

FEBCFEBC Blog 20 Comments

High up in the mountains of Thailand sit isolated Hmong tribes. They number around four to five million people, but most are scattered across small villages in Southeast Asia and China. Dirt roads connect small modest homes and businesses. Chickens and dogs roam around the villages, and mothers, often with young children strapped to their backs, tend gardens and sell produce from small corner stores. In ethnic enclaves like these, very few people have access to Christian programming in their own heart language.

This is why Phairot (pictured above at one of his broadcasting locations) wakes up almost every morning before dawn to broadcast FEBC’s program in the Hmong language. He sets up several tripods and cameras, all live-streaming on different social media platforms like Facebook Live, Instagram, Tiktok, and more.

The hour-long program routinely has over 100,000 views across various social media channels. Hmong listeners interact from all over the world. On the morning that the broadcast pictured above took place, Phairot (pronounced pie-raht) prayed for local listeners and for those as far away as California and China.

For β€œMee”, a middle-aged woman who lives in a small village in the north of Thailand, FEBC’s digital programs are a part of her daily routine. Sometimes she tunes in live on her phone. β€œNot everyone has power all the time in the villages, but almost everyone has cell signal…Many people even have more than one cell phone!” Mee says.

Mee and her friends will listen together and then discuss what they’ve heard afterwards. The Bible is a new concept for her village. Reading through it can be confusing without a guide, and for an hour every day they are able to hear Gospel messages from Phairot on how to interpret the Bible and live as true Christians. When asked what Mee and other villagers thought of the broadcasts, they said, β€œWe love all of it…we just want more so we can continue to read the Bible and apply it to our lives.”

Your partnership allows FEBC to share the Gospel with the Hmong people – Thank you!

Comments 20

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  1. Praise God for these testimonies of the effective outreach of FEBC. It is wonderful that we actually get to be participants in the ministry of godly workers and gospel motivators like Phairot.

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      Thank you, John and Judy. This was taken high up in the mountains of Thailand in the early hours of the morning as Phairot started his broadcast.

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  2. I am impressed with Phairot’s love for Christ and his faithfulness to share that online with so many that all would come to know the Savior! Lord, bless and encourage this young man! He is in my prayers.

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  3. What a blessing to read how the Great Commission is being proclaimed to all peoples tribes language and tongue 🀩
    May His Word continue to transform lives for His Glory and Honor!

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  4. It is so wonderful to read stories of how God continues to use FEBC to spread the gospel, reaching the least reached with the truth of Jesus Christ.

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