Global Impact Report – 2022

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As we close the book on 2022, we are so grateful to God for the millions of lives impacted through your prayers and financial partnership with FEBC. 


  • 3 million traditional responses from listeners (calls, text, letters, emails, visits)
  • 6 million digital users
  • 97.9% increase in total mobile app downloads
  • 146,000+ increase in total podcast audience


“I came to know Jesus through FEBC’s programs; I also attended your online seminary classes. Knowing God is a lifelong pursuit.” ~ Listener from China

“Thank you for sharing Christ in a Muslim world.” ~ Listener from Indonesia

“Through a time of trial, I learned humility and that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him. I deeply appreciate FEBC for their constant encouragement and prayers.” ~ Listener from Korea

“We are helped every day through the Bible and by listening to your Christian broadcasts.” ~ Listener from Cambodia 


We currently broadcast on 16 local FM stations and plan to launch 11 more stations in the future. When completed, the entire country will have access to the Gospel. 


Over 20,000 students are participating in FEBC’s Bible Correspondence Course. 


FEBC is now broadcasting on a new radio station in downtown Kyiv with a powerful signal that will reach 5-6 million people! 


FEBC is the only known Christian AM radio station reaching Japan, a country where less than 1% claim to be Christians. 


The Gospel is changing lives in North and South Korea! A listener recently wrote: “Hallelujah! My mother accepted Christ as her savior through a live evangelism broadcast!” 


24,739 radios and 8,427 Gospel speaker boxes and SD cards! That’s how many listening devices you helped provide within the past year to unreached people as well as churches eager to hear FEBC broadcasts. Now they can tune in and hear the Word of God. 


In addition to our Gospel programming in 30 major languages, FEBC also broadcasts the Good News in 115 ethnic languages. Many millions have discovered God’s love and come to faith through these ethnic ministries.  

Thank you for your partnership with FEBC. Together, we are committed to sharing Christ… until all have heard!

You can help deliver the Good News to millions of people in 2023 who may have no knowledge of the life-changing power of the Gospel.  


Comments 2

  1. Praise God for the opportunity of so many to receive the truth of God, s word and come to trust in Him. I pray everyday for you. And your protectionin life. to grow. Blessings Joyce

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