Letters from Japan

FEBCFEBC Blog 8 Comments

Despite being a technologically advanced country with many opportunities for people to hear the Gospel, Japan remains one of the hardest-to-reach places. So many have their hearts closed to the Gospel, which is why we are so delighted to receive some heartwarming feedback from two listeners.

Ms. R*:

“Years ago, I was tired of living and wanted to kill myself. I had started to drink and was becoming an alcoholic. But one day, I remembered the FEBC broadcasts that saved me in junior high school. I gave my life to Christ then, and in my moments of darkness recently, I tuned back in.

“Because I’m totally blind, my family didn’t want me to go to church, [because of how difficult it was to get there] but one day I just said, “That’s it, I’m going to go to church!” When I first started attending, someone came with me to guide me, until I got used to the layout and could get around myself. I gave my life to Christ then, and was baptized. It’s been 14 years since I started to go to church every week, and I’m still impressed by God’s amazing work.

“Despite this though, I still sometimes ask, “Why am I here?” I heard some sad news recently that a junior high classmate of mine at the school for the blind died of heart disease, caused by alcoholism. She would wander around town in the middle of the night because of problems at home. I used to be very close to her, but after graduating, we lost touch with one another. We were in the same pain of drowning our problems away with alcohol, but I was able to know Jesus and was ultimately freed from my suffering. It’s heartbreaking to think she did not know this truth, which could also have set her free.”

“I would be grateful if you pray with me as I mourn the loss of my friend and for God to draw near to me, and help strengthen my faith.”

Mr. K*:

“Today, I wanted to tell you about my past. I had excellent grades up to junior high school and was generally happy. I graduated top of my class, but as I started high school I started to struggle with mental health issues.

“Around this time my parents got in a huge fight and my mother left home. I had to live with my dad, who I hated, and my mental health got even worse. It got so bad that I was admitted to a mental hospital once. It seemed to help, but once I left, I still couldn’t keep up with my studies and I stopped going to school. Months later, my dad saw how little I was going to school and scolded me heavily. I told him I was leaving and would go to school while I lived with my mother instead of him.

“But even then, after only one month of living with my mother, I developed problematic behavior there and I was admitted to a mental hospital again.

“While all this was going on, my mother started listening to FEBC broadcasts and the programs opened her eyes to the truth of Christianity. She started attending church and she would bring my younger brother and me with her. My mom gave me a Bible and I started to read it, little by little. On Christmas day, in my third year of high school, I got baptized and accepted Christ as my savior, because I wanted to be saved like my mother. I am really grateful to her.

“Unfortunately, now it is my mother who suffers from mental illness and who is now taken care of by me. She is going to be discharged from the mental hospital soon. I will continue to take good care of her, and show her the love she showed me by bringing me to Christ.”

Comments 8

  1. To the blind lady who was saved in junior high school: I am an American grandma (in Long Beach, California) who was saved in Japan as a college student at Kokusai Kirisuto Daigaku. I am thanking God for you and praying for your comfort in the loss of your friend.

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      What an amazing connection, Jessica. It’s always neat how God works in places so far from us, but that can overlap in so many similar ways to our lives in the States.

  2. It is so encouraging to hear from people like this that have gone through these hard times and have come to the Lord and been saved. God Bless them and every one who needs to know and follow Jesus. It’s so hard when things go rough but that’s when God will be there for us as always. Sometimes we just don’t see Him through our pain but we need to be strong. He IS there always.

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  3. Based on the primer, I was surprised to learn that the Japanese were unusually hard against the Gospel. Is it because of their religion, prosperity, idolatry, or perhaps that a “Christian” nation used atomic weapons against them? Please share any insight so we can “pray with understanding”, and reason together with them.
    Also, thank you for sharing “the word of their testimony” – praise God!

    1. As a believer in Jesus in the USA, and a student of God’s word/bible, I have come to know that regardless of what lies and deception and circumstances Satan has used to drive nations/peoples/families/individuals apart and cause animosity, we have but one common enemy: the devil himself.

      When we allow God’s word to truly take root and hold fast in our hearts, and renew our minds as the bible says in Romans 12:1-3, by yielding to the Holy Spirit, we will be changed in our ability to love others and see people as God sees them; we will be changed in the way we think and want to please God. We will pray that God will in ever increasing measures pour out and develop His character and nature in us and He alone becomes Lord of every area of our lives. We are made for His glory and honor. May God bless you and keep you in His care. Your beloved yoke fellow in Christ.

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  4. Is FEBC -Japan division moved to Japan from USA? Is there Christian radio broadcasts in Japan now? Do you have Japanese Bible, would like to have some to give to friends family who’s not Christian.

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