Restoring Broken Hearts in Cambodia

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FEBC began broadcasting the Gospel to Cambodia by shortwave in 1953. Years later, during the Vietnam War, life became so dangerous in Cambodia that FEBC broadcasters fled to the Philippines where they continued to produce programs. Later, in 1995, the Cambodian government allowed national broadcasters to return and establish FEBC’s first studio in the capital of Phnom Penh. By 2002, a new FM station was established called Voice of Love. FEBC now reaches 40-50% of the population.

Receiving feedback from our Cambodian listeners is critical, along with growth of listener groups, development of new churches, and stories of changed lives. Last year alone, we received over 148 million listener engagements and responses to the Gospel. Many of them describe new lives in Christ. Every single testimony reveals a changed heart, such as this farmer from Cambodia:

“I’ve encountered many difficulties in my life. Sometimes I just wanted to run away. But God was always by my side. Your healing heart program has helped restore my broken heart. Thank you, FEBC, for encouraging me to stay strong and trust God more.”

Or the 84-year-old woman who came to faith late in life:

“For generations my family were Buddhists. But throughout my life, I couldn’t find hope and love. Then God used my children to bring Christian radio to me; I listen every day. God healed my heart. I love Jesus. I believe that after I leave this earth, I will be with Him in heaven.”

Building Strong Families through Christ-Centered Seminars

Improving the quality of life for the Cambodian people is key to what FEBC sets out to accomplish, through community-focused programming, as well as spiritual broadcasts that include biblical teaching, devotions, discipleship, and leadership. We also stress education, health, safety and women’s issues, and partner with other Christian ministries and NGOs. Throughout the year, two-day family seminars are also offered, with classes on God’s Word, life skills, childcare, forgiveness and patience with one another. Both men and women describe the impact of these classes:

“My family has gained so much that we apply to our daily lives. God has taught us to live as role models for our children, so they can grow spiritually and follow God.”

Cambodia Community Bible Institute

By partnering with local churches, FEBC offers students Old and New Testament studies. They respond by attending and committing themselves to studying the Bible. A student in one province shared:

“Knowledge of God’s Word has helped me learn history the way God wants me to know it. I’m so happy that God chose me to study the Bible. I want to continue my studies after the class is over. God bless you!”

When level one classes are completed, students are awarded a pre-tuned radio, to encourage them to tune into FEBC programs. One such student told us:

“I’ve been listening to God’s Word through your programs every night. Thank you, God, for helping me understand a story in Genesis about a sinful man who disobeyed you. This helped me think about my own disobedience. Thank you for broadcasting this program.”

All of these efforts are undergirded by your prayers and support. Your partnership makes FEBC possible, both in Cambodia and around the world. Thank you for continuing to walk beside us “until all have heard.”

How You Can Help Reach the Unreached

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