The Whole Village Came to Faith in Jesus

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The Great Commission is inseparable from the mission of the church. While there are many lost people in every nation, about one-third of the world’s population is considered unreached. This means they have little chance of ever hearing the Gospel in their heart language unless it comes from the outside. Therefore, evangelizing the unreached is mission-critical and needs the focused prayer support of the global church.

When the Gospel does finally reach a community like Tan’s, in the video below, the results are astounding.

That’s why FEBC has created Unreached in Focus, a monthly email with free resources to facilitate congregational prayer. Each month focuses on a unique nation, people group, or critical issue related to reaching the unreached.

These resources are designed for bible studies, prayer groups, or pastors to use in the local church to help congregations pray for those that remain unreached. Free and digitally packaged for ease of use, monthly email includes:

  • bulleted prayer points
  • high-resolution images for display
  • description of background/context
  • sample written prayer

If you, or someone you know at your church has a desire to lift up unreached people groups monthly, please sign up below.



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