Ministering to Buddhists in Thailand

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Thailand has a saying which goes, “To be Thai, is to be Buddhist.”

For many Thai people, their sense of cultural identity feels inseparable from Buddhism, and they’ve never questioned whether its teachings are true.

That’s why it came as a great surprise when the principal of a respected public school in the Buddhist-dominant region of Nakhon Ratchasima invited an FEBC broadcaster to come visit and speak to the students.

Normally this would not happen. Yet, Thailand has seen much social turmoil recently, especially in the region of Nakhon Ratchasima. Last year it made national headlines when a mass shooting by a local soldier in the Royal Thai Army killed 30 people and wounded 57 others, over allegedly getting cheated out of a property deal by his commanding officer. Understandably this tragedy shook the whole community.

When the FEBC team arrived, the principal warmly welcomed them and invited them to share with the student body about radio broadcasting. It was a natural opportunity to also share the content of what goes on the air – about Jesus and the hope of the Gospel.

This kind of opportunity is exceptionally rare!

After presenting at the school, a local church invited many from the local community to come and meet the visitors. The pastor purposely invited people who had no faith background, because he knew they would be curious to meet people who could be heard on the radio. The hope was that this would open doors for spiritual conversation and encourage them to listen to FEBC, and perhaps even come to know Christ.

Prior to this, the FEBC Thailand staff had been praying for a breakthrough. God answered this prayer abundantly and provided a glimpse of how He is using the ministry of FEBC to bear sweet fruit.

Please pray that God will continue to open doors, and that the message of Christ will reverberate in the hearts of the Thai people and heal this hurting region!

As you read this, would you please consider signing up to be a part of our prayer team? We need prayer warriors like you to lift up our listeners and our staff, as they broadcast courageously to inspire listeners to follow Jesus Christ. 



*Our Thailand staff closely follows local guidelines for Covid-19 to ensure their safety, and the safety of others.

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