“My Heart was Slowly Dying without Christ”

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“My Heart was Slowly Dying without Christ”

“Years ago I heard the Good News, but then married an unbeliever. We lived together for several years. We love each other and love our three children.

“The seeds of faith were in my heart, but my heart was slowly dying without Christ. My husband and his mother are not believers, and every time I started a conversation about faith, they laughed at me. I felt powerless.

“Then, I found your program and my life was revolutionized. I don’t know what’s happening, but I feel that suddenly God stepped into my daily existence and everything will be different. Now the Bible study is part of my life and I am becoming alive.

“I still don’t know how all the issues in my life will resolve, but I now believe that God will not leave me, and He’ll help me…

“I am especially grateful that you responded to me, personally, and even suggested a healthy church in my city where I can attend. I haven’t gone there yet. Please pray for me and my family.”

– a Kazakhstan Listener Grateful for FEBC

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