The Living Water of Jesus

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In the Burmese culture, Ye Chan Zin is a long-standing practice of leaving fresh water in clay pots under a tree to quench the thirst of farmers or travelers passing by.

Thirty years ago, one of FEBC’s broadcasters from Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) decided to title his radio program Ye Chan Zin, as an illustration of the Living Water Jesus graciously offers to those who follow Him.

Quenching their Thirst

When the broadcast first launched, the headmistress of a village school tuned in and continued for years as a regular listener. After retiring ten years ago, she began tutoring refugee children at the Thai/Myanmar border. She helped them learn their alphabet and numbers, but more importantly, she shared Christ with them…the gift she received herself during the many years she tuned into Ye Chan Zin.

It’s amazing how God used one FEBC broadcaster to impact the life of one headmistress who, in turn, shared Christ with hundreds of children, quenching their thirst for all eternity with the Living Water of Jesus.

Thank you for your support. It’s because of friends like you that programs like Ye Chan Zin are broadcast daily in 124 languages!


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