Our World is
Desperate for Hope

When we pray together,
“. . . it will be done for them by
[our] Father in heaven.”

(Matthew 18:19)

Across the world, the message of Jesus Christ is urgently needed. Closed countries must be reached with the message of the Gospel—even in some of the most dangerous places in the world!

People are risking their lives to listen to the Gospel and learn more about Jesus.

And consistently, they cry out to us asking for our prayers for them and their loved ones who don’t yet know Christ. They need to know there are Christians around the world who care about what they are going through . . . who are standing with them as one body—brothers and sisters in Christ.

This is why we need you to take a stand today. Will you join our team of faithful prayer partners in lifting up the millions of people who are trapped in spiritual darkness in places like North Korea, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, and other countries around the world?

Please stand with us today. And when you complete the form below to join our team of prayer partners, we’ll send you the latest FEBC International Prayer Guide to give you insight on how to pray for others in diverse nations during the ongoing global pandemic, war and unrest, natural disasters, and other crises.

Yes, I will take a stand for Christ and pray!

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