We have an amazing opportunity now to reach Mongolia’s unreached people with the Good News of Jesus Christ!

This is important because Mongolia is a nation flanked by two giants, Russia and China. And, nearly 99% of the people of Mongolia are Buddhist, Muslim, or followers of the Mongol shamanic tradition (seeking guidance from idols, demons, and ancestral spirits).

God has used FEBC broadcasts for over 75 years to reach into spiritually dark places and transform lives around the world through the power of the Gospel . . . please make a generous gift now for Mongolian people in desperate need of the hope that only comes from God’s Word.

Make 12 times the impact by making your gift automatically each month.
One-time Gift
  •  —  $240.00
  •  —  $160.00
  •  —  $80.00
  •  —  $40.00
  • Other 
     —  $0.01
Monthly Gift