More than two years of war has filled the people of Ukraine with a deep fear of an uncertain future. But God hears their cries and is delivering the hope of the Gospel through the airwaves.
From FEBC’s station in the nation’s capital, Kyiv, Ukrainian broadcasters are sharing the truth of the Gospel with their countrymen. They hear story after story of how God is at work . . . families reunited, marriages saved, suicides averted, and soldiers comforted.
We are humbled to share that authorities have chosen to extend FEBC’s Kyiv provisional license issued at the start of the war to 10 years! This opportunity will share the hope of the Gospel with 6 million men, women, and children in the war-ravaged city of Kyiv and the surrounding area.
But critical improvements to FEBC’s station in Kyiv need to be made immediately—restructuring antennas to improve quality and signal reach, procuring batteries, other equipment, and so much more.
Thank you for giving now, and know that your impact will be profound as people hear—some for the very first time—that they are loved without limit by the Savior, Jesus Christ, who died for them that they might have eternal life in Him!