FEBC’s Radio Distribution Fund is empty. Your help is needed now to replenish the fund so we can distribute radios to people who may never hear the Gospel any other way.

Thanks to a Radio Matching Challenge, every radio you provide today means TWO will be given!

Please give generously now to help provide 15,000 radios with this special radio match to give people access to God’s Word and the opportunity to come to faith in Jesus Christ!

“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?” —Romans 10:14 ESV


Select How You Can Help:

Make 12 times the impact by making your gift automatically each month.
One-time Gift
  •  —  $250.00
  •  —  $125.00
  •  —  $100.00
  •  —  $50.00
  • Other 
     —  $0.01
Monthly Gift