I just received a report of an entire village of unreached men, women, and children—people untouched by the Gospel—who came to Christ because of a single radio broadcast.
And what they heard from the broadcaster—who is one of their own people—is also astonishing. He says, “There is a savior whose name is Jesus Christ. He loves you so much he died for your sins! You can have hope for today and for eternity!”
The impact of those words delivered on the airwaves by a local broadcaster—one of their own—who knows the culture, nuances of language, and the obstacles their people group face is utterly transformative.
Thanks to gifts from people, like you, who care about proclaiming the Gospel to all nations, 68 unreached language groups are hearing the Good News in some of the most remote and dangerous places on Earth.
God has used FEBC broadcasts for over 75 years to reach into spiritual darkness and transform lives through the power of the Gospel. And now, He has given us an unprecedented opportunity to reach millions more with the life-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.
With help from friends like you, FEBC is dramatically expanding ministry outreach through radio broadcasts that can deliver the hope of the Gospel to people—in dangerous places like Myanmar and Pakistan, and into closed countries like North Korea—in the languages they understand!
Please give a gift now to reach millions by helping to raise the $250,000 needed immediately to expand outreach to people who have yet to meet their Savior.
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